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Canned Ghee (Clarified butter) (Case of 6)

Canned Ghee (Clarified butter) (Case of 6)

Canned Ghee (Clarified butter) (Case of 6)
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Product obtained from prime quality milk, cream, or butter to which no neutralizing substances have been added.
Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size: 100g
Calories: 855
Total Fat >99.8g
   Saturated 69g
   Monounsaturated 4g
   Polyunsaturated 4g
   Trans Fat 2.67g
Cholesterol 256mg
Total Carbohydrate 0g
Protein 0g
Vitamin A (IU) 3080.0
All procedures and methods followed for the testing and examination of product are AOAC and Standard Methods approved.
Shelf Life:
Refrigerated Shelf Life:  2 years                 Ambient Shelf Life: 1 year
Allergen: Contains Milk
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